Instructions for Accessing MCG Care Guidelines

Cite for Guideline Transparency helps health plans comply with emerging regulatory requirements by offering to its members and providers the MCG care guideline(s) that was used to support a medical determination. The tool provides users with secure access to multiple guidelines at once through a web browser.

MCG care guidelines are the intellectual property of MCG Health and access is strictly controlled. Users are not able to distribute any MCG content without the permission of MCG. By following these instructions, you will have access to view MCG care guidelines online.

The link and login below grants access to the portal on the ClientName site

Step 1 : Disclaimer: Select the "MCG Care Guidelines" link to where you will land on MCG disclaimer page.

  1.  You must check the "Accept Terms and Conditions" box and select the "Accept and Proceed" button to continue to the next page.

Step 2 : User Information: Next you will be required to enter the following information:

  1. First Name
  2. Last Name
  3. Select the button the most closely aligns with your interest in MCG care guidelines. 
  4. Select "Next"

Step 3 : Contact Information: MCG will ask for your preferred way of receiving a verification code. Select from

  1. Text message
  2. Email
  3. Telephone call
  4. Select "Next"

Step 4 : Access Code: Enter the code once received via your preferred method.

  1. Click on the desired product to be a shown a list of MCG care guidelines selected for the client's program.
  2. Click on the guidelines you wish to review. Copy/pasting, printing, or other methods of duplication are not allowed.
  3. Once finished Select "Back to Guidelines" list or close your tab.