Braces and supports are prosthetic or orthotic devices which steady, align, protect, or strengthen weakened, injured, or deformed body parts.
Custom fitted orthotics are prefabricated, may require some assembly, and are substantially modified for individual fitting at the time of delivery by a certified orthotist, or an individual with equivalent specialized training.
Substantial modifications are changes by a certified orthotist or an individual with equivalent specialized training in compliance with licensure and regulatory requirements to achieve an individualized fit using CAD/CAM technology.
Minimal self-adjustment can be performed by the individual, and does not require expertise of a certified orthotist.
Off-the-shelf (OTS) orthotics are prefabricated, may require some assembly and/or minimal self-adjustment, but not requiring expertise of a certified orthotist.
Pennsylvania Mandate
Effective February 12, 1999 as defined by Pennsylvania Act 98 - 1998 Diabetes Supplies and Education Mandate diabetic services and education orthotics equipment and supplies are eligible for patients with insulin or noninsulin dependent diabetes insulin or noninsulin using diabetes or gestational diabetes. These services and supplies must be prescribed by a health care professional legally authorized to prescribe such items. Therefore requests for these services and supplies must include a physician prescription including necessary information for the service or supply being requested.
Coverage for the services as defined by Pennsylvania Act 98 - 1998 for diabetic services and supplies are subject to annual deductibles and coinsurances and all other terms and conditions set forth in the patient's contract
Braces and supports addressed in this medical policy may be considered medically necessary when ALL of the following general criteria are met, AND any category specific criteria:
General Criteria
Devices not meeting the above criteria are considered not medically necessary.
Purchase of more than two (2) of the same type of device on the same day is considered not medically necessary.
Dispensing a device for post-operative use prior to the procedure is considered not medically necessary.
Comfort, non-therapeutic cast-braces (Cam Walker) may be considered medically necessary when ALL of the following criteria are met:
Comfort, non-therapeutic cast-braces are considered not medically necessary for all other indications.
L2106 |
L2108 |
L2112 |
L2114 |
L2116 |
L2126 |
L2128 |
L2132 |
L2134 |
L2136 |
L3980 |
L3981 |
L3982 |
L3984 |
L4360 |
L4361 |
L4386 |
L4387 |
Air casts/air splints may be considered medically necessary for treatment of fractures or other injuries (i.e., sprains, torn ligaments) when general criteria are met.
Air casts/air splints are considered not medically necessary for all other indications.
L4350 |
L4360 |
L4361 |
L4370 |
Rehabilitation braces may be considered medically necessary when ALL of the following criteria are met:
Rehabilitation braces are considered not medically necessary for all other indications.
L1600 |
L1610 |
L1620 |
L1630 |
L1640 |
L1650 |
L1652 |
L1660 |
L1680 |
L1685 |
L1686 |
L1690 |
Braces for congenital defects or advanced neuromuscular conditions may be considered medically necessary when general criteria are met.
Replacement braces may be considered medically necessary when:
Braces for congenital defects or advanced neuromuscular conditions are considered not medically necessary for all other indications not listed above.
L1000 |
L1001 |
L1005 |
L1010 |
L1020 |
L1025 |
L1030 |
L1040 |
L1050 |
L1060 |
L1070 |
L1080 |
L1085 |
L1090 |
L1100 |
L1110 |
L1120 |
L1200 |
L1210 |
L1220 |
L1230 |
L1240 |
L1250 |
L1260 |
L1270 |
L1280 |
L1290 |
L1300 |
L1310 |
L1499 |
Cervical (neck) braces may be considered medically necessary when ALL of the following criteria are met:
Cervical (neck) braces are considered not medically necessary for all other indications.
L0130 |
L0140 |
L0150 |
L0160 |
L0170 |
L0172 |
L0174 |
L0180 |
L0190 |
L0200 |
Supportive back braces may be considered medically necessary when any ONE of the following are met:
Supportive back braces are considered not medically necessary for all other indications.
L0220 |
L0450 |
L0452 |
L0454 |
L0455 |
L0456 |
L0457 |
L0458 |
L0460 |
L0462 |
L0464 |
L0466 |
L0467 |
L0468 |
L0469 |
L0470 |
L0472 |
L0480 |
L0482 |
L0484 |
L0486 |
L0488 |
L0490 |
L0491 |
L0492 |
L0621 |
L0623 |
L0625 |
L0628 |
L0635 |
L0641 |
L0642 |
L0643 |
L0648 |
L0649 |
L0650 |
L0651 |
L0970 |
L0972 |
L0974 |
L0976 |
L0978 |
L0980 |
L0982 |
L0999 |
L1310 |
Custom-fitted and custom-fabricated back braces may be considered medically necessary when criteria for supportive back braces and ONE of the following are met:
Custom-fitted or custom-fabricated back braces are considered not medically necessary for all other indications.
L0452 |
L0480 |
L0482 |
L0484 |
L0486 |
L0622 |
L0624 |
L0626 |
L0627 |
L0629 |
L0630 |
L0631 |
L0632 |
L0633 |
L0634 |
L0636 |
L0637 |
L0638 |
L0639 |
L0640 |
Postoperative back braces may be considered medically necessary when ALL of the following are met:
Postoperative back braces are considered not medically necessary for all other indications.
L1310 |
Cervical-thoracic-lumbar-sacral or thoracic-lumbar-sacral orthoses may be considered medically necessary for the treatment of scoliosis in juvenile and adolescent individuals at high-risk of progression when ALL of the following criteria are met:
Cervical-thoracic-lumbar-sacral or thoracic-lumbar-sacral orthoses are considered not medically necessary for all other indications.
L1000 |
L1001 |
L1005 |
L1010 |
L1020 |
L1025 |
L1030 |
L1040 |
L1050 |
L1060 |
L1070 |
L1080 |
L1085 |
L1090 |
L1100 |
L1110 |
L1120 |
L1200 |
L1210 |
L1220 |
L1230 |
L1240 |
L1250 |
L1260 |
L1270 |
L1280 |
L1290 |
L1300 |
L1310 |
L1499 |
Quantity Level Limits (QLL) for all back braces
One (1) back brace per every five (5) years may be considered medically necessary as the reasonable lifetime of a back brace is no less than five (5) years.
Quantity level limits or quantity of supplies that exceed the frequency guidelines listed above will be denied as not medically necessary.
L0220 |
L0450 |
L0452 |
L0454 |
L0455 |
L0456 |
L0457 |
L0458 |
L0460 |
L0462 |
L0464 |
L0466 |
L0467 |
L0468 |
L0469 |
L0470 |
L0472 |
L0480 |
L0482 |
L0484 |
L0486 |
L0488 |
L0490 |
L0491 |
L0492 |
L0621 |
L0622 |
L0623 |
L0624 |
L0625 |
L0626 |
L0627 |
L0628 |
L0629 |
L0630 |
L0631 |
L0632 |
L0633 |
L0634 |
L0635 |
L0636 |
L0637 |
L0638 |
L0639 |
L0640 |
L0641 |
L0642 |
L0643 |
L0648 |
L0649 |
L0650 |
L0651 |
L0970 |
L0972 |
L0974 |
L0976 |
L0978 |
L0980 |
L0982 |
L1310 |
Hernia supports (corset or truss style) may be considered medically necessary when ALL of the following criteria are met:
Hernia supports (corset or truss style) are considered not medically necessary for all other indications.
L0628 |
L0629 |
L8300 |
L8310 |
L8320 |
L8330 |
L8499 |
Postoperative Hip Braces may be considered medically necessary after any ONE of the following procedures:
Postoperative hip braces are considered not medically necessary for all other indications.
L1685 |
L1686 |
L1681 |
27125 |
27130 |
27132 |
27134 |
27137 |
27138 |
27140 |
29861 |
29862 |
29863 |
29914 |
29915 |
29916 |
Childhood hip braces (Pavlik harness, Frejka pillow splint, Friedman strap) may be considered medically necessary for children with hip disorders when ALL of the following criteria are met:
Childhood hip braces are considered not medically necessary for all other indications.
L1600 |
L1610 |
L1620 |
L1630 |
L1640 |
L1650 |
L1652 |
L1660 |
L1680 |
L1685 |
L1686 |
L1690 |
Functional cast-braces (patella tendon bearing (PTB) cast brace, PTB fracture brace, molded ankle-foot orthosis (MAFO), fracture brace with pelvic band, achilles tendon hinged brace) may be considered medically necessary when ALL of the following criteria are met:
Functional cast-braces are considered not medically necessary for all other indications.
L2106 |
L2108 |
L2112 |
L2114 |
L2116 |
L2128 |
L2132 |
L2134 |
L2136 |
L2180 |
L2182 |
L2184 |
L2186 |
L2188 |
L2190 |
L2192 |
Unna boots may be considered medically necessary for the following non-fracture care indications:
Unna boots are considered not medically necessary for all other indications.
A6456 |
Wheaton braces may be considered medically necessary to treat metatarsus adductus in infants, replacing the need for serial casting when general criteria are met.
Wheaton braces are considered not medically necessary for all other indications.
L1930 |
Splints and Immobilizers
The following devices may be considered medically necessary when general criteria are met:
Splints and immobilizers are considered not medically necessary for all other indications.
L3140 |
L3150 |
L3640 |
L3650 |
L3660 |
L3670 |
L3678 |
L3908 |
Q4049 |
Casting of a sprain or casting following a surgical procedure may be considered medically necessary.
Casting for all other indications is considered not medically necessary.
L0120 |
L0984 |
The following braces and supports do not meet the definition of covered durable medical equipment because they are not made to withstand long term use; and are therefore considered non-covered:
L0120 |
L0984 |
Refer to Medical Policy, O-12 Foot Orthotics for Conditions Other Than Diabetes, for additional information.
Refer to Medical Policy, O-24 Ankle-Foot/Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthosis, for additional information.
Refer to Medical Policy, E-1 Durable Medical Equipment (DME), for additional information.
Refer to Medical Policy, O-10 Dynamic Splinting Devices, for additional information.
Refer to Medical Policy, S-13 Rigid Immobilization, for additional information.
Refer to Medical Policy, E-15 Diabetic Services and Supplies, for additional information.
Refer to Reimbursement Policy, RP-041 Services Not Separately Reimbursed, for additional information.
This policy is designed to address medical guidelines that are appropriate for the majority of individuals with a particular disease, illness, or condition. Each person's unique clinical or other circumstances may warrant individual consideration, based on review of applicable medical records, as well as other regulatory, contractual and/or legal requirements.
Medical policies do not constitute medical advice, nor are they intended to govern the practice of medicine. They are intended to reflect Highmark's reimbursement and coverage guidelines. Coverage for services may vary for individual members, based on the terms of the benefit contract, and subject to the applicable laws of your state.
Highmark retains the right to review and update its medical policy guidelines at its sole discretion. These guidelines are the proprietary information of Highmark. Any sale, copying or dissemination of the medical policies is prohibited; however, limited copying of medical policies is permitted for individual use.
Discrimination is Against the Law
The Claims Administrator/Insurer complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. The Claims Administrator/Insurer does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. The Claims Administrator/ Insurer:
If you need these services, contact the Civil Rights Coordinator.
If you believe that the Claims Administrator/Insurer has failed to provide these services or discriminated in another way on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex, you can file a grievance with: Civil Rights Coordinator, P.O. Box 22492, Pittsburgh, PA 15222, Phone: 1-866-286-8295, TTY: 711, Fax: 412-544-2475, email: You can file a grievance in person or by mail, fax, or email. If you need help filing a grievance, the Civil Rights Coordinator is available to help you.
You can also file a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights electronically through the Office for Civil Rights Complaint Portal, available at, or by mail or phone at:
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue, SW
Room 509F, HHH Building
Washington, D.C. 20201
1-800-368-1019, 800-537-7697 (TDD)
Complaint forms are available at
Insurance or benefit/claims administration may be provided by Highmark, Highmark Choice Company, Highmark Coverage Advantage, Highmark Health Insurance Company, First Priority Life Insurance Company, First Priority Health, Highmark Benefits Group, Highmark Select Resources, Highmark Senior Solutions Company or Highmark Senior Health Company, all of which are independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, an association of independent Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans.
Medical policies do not constitute medical advice, nor are they intended to govern the practice of medicine. They are intended to reflect reimbursement and coverage guidelines. Coverage for services may vary for individual members, based on the terms of the benefit contract.
Discrimination is Against the Law
The Claims Administrator/Insurer complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. The Claims Administrator/Insurer does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. The Claims Administrator/ Insurer:
If you believe that the Claims Administrator/Insurer has failed to provide these services or discriminated in another way on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex, you can file a grievance with: Civil Rights Coordinator, P.O. Box 22492, Pittsburgh, PA 15222, Phone: 1-866-286-8295, TTY: 711, Fax: 412-544-2475, email: You can file a grievance in person or by mail, fax, or email. If you need help filing a grievance, the Civil Rights Coordinator is available to help you.
You can also file a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights electronically through the Office for Civil Rights Complaint Portal, available at, or by mail or phone at:
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue, SW
Room 509F, HHH Building
Washington, D.C. 20201
1-800-368-1019, 800-537-7697 (TDD)
Complaint forms are available at