Medical Policy:
Preimplantation Genetic Testing
Effective Date:
April 7, 2025
Issued Date:
April 7, 2025
Last Revision Date:
January 2025
Annual Review:
January 2026


Preimplantation genetic testing involves the analysis of biopsied cells as part of an assisted reproductive procedure. It is generally considered to be divided into 2 categories. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis is used to detect a specific inherited disorder in conjunction with in vitro fertilization (IVF) and aims to prevent the birth of affected children to couples at high-risk of transmitting a disorder. Preimplantation genetic screening may also involve testing for potential genetic abnormalities in conjunction with IVF for couples without a specific known inherited disorder.

Summary of Evidence

For individuals who have an identified elevated risk of a genetic disorder undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) who receive preimplantation genetic diagnosis, the evidence includes observational studies and systematic reviews. Relevant outcomes are health status measures and treatment-related morbidity. Data from observational studies and systematic reviews have suggested that preimplantation genetic diagnosis is associated with the birth of unaffected fetuses when performed for detection of single genetic defects and a decrease in spontaneous abortions for patients with structural chromosomal abnormalities. Moreover, preimplantation genetic diagnosis performed for single-gene defects does not appear to be associated with an increased risk of obstetric complications. The evidence is sufficient to determine that the technology results in an improvement in the net health outcome.

For individuals who have no identified elevated risk of a genetic disorder undergoing IVF who receive preimplantation genetic screening, the evidence includes randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and meta-analyses. Relevant outcomes are health status measures and treatment-related morbidity. Randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses of RCTs on initial preimplantation genetic screening methods (eg, fluorescent in situ hybridization [FISH]) have found lower or similar ongoing pregnancy and live birth rates compared with IVF without preimplantation genetic screening. There are fewer RCTs on newer preimplantation genetic screening methods, and findings are mixed. Recent meta-analyses of newer methods have found some benefit in subgroups of patients (eg, advanced maternal age); however, the evidence is limited, and larger trials specific to these patient populations are needed. Well-conducted RCTs evaluating preimplantation genetic screening in the various target populations (eg, women of advanced maternal age, women with recurrent pregnancy loss) are needed before conclusions can be drawn about the impact on the net health benefit. The evidence is insufficient to determine that the technology results in an improvement in the net health outcome.

This policy is designed to address medical guidelines that are appropriate for the majority of individuals with a particular disease, illness, or condition. Each person's unique clinical circumstances may warrant individual consideration, based on review of applicable medical records.

Policy Position Coverage is subject to the specific terms of the member's benefit plan.

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis may be considered medically necessary as an adjunct to in vitro fertilization (IVF) in couples not known to be infertile who meet one of the criteria listed below.

For evaluation of an embryo at an identified elevated risk of a genetic disorder such as when:

  • Both partners are known carriers of a single-gene autosomal recessive disorder

  • One partner is a known carrier of a single-gene autosomal recessive disorder, and the partners have an offspring who has been diagnosed with that recessive disorder

  • One partner is a known carrier of a single-gene autosomal dominant disorder

  • One partner is a known carrier of a single X-linked disorder, or

For evaluation of an embryo at an identified elevated risk of structural chromosomal abnormality such as for a:

  • Parent with balanced or unbalanced chromosomal translocation.

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis as an adjunct to IVF is considered investigational in individuals or couples who are undergoing IVF in all situations other than those specified above.

Preimplantation genetic screening as an adjunct to IVF is considered investigational in individuals or couples who are undergoing IVF in all situations.

CPT 81161 DMD (dystrophin) (eg, Duchenne/Becker muscular dystrophy) deletion analysis, and duplication analysis, if performed
  81173-81174 AR (androgen receptor) (eg, spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy, Kennedy disease, X chromosome inactivation) gene analysis
  81177 ATN1 (eg, dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy) gene analysis
  81178-81183 ATXN (eg, spinocerebellar ataxia) gene analysis
  81184-81186 CACNA1A (eg, spinocerebellar ataxia) gene analysis
  81188-81190 CSTB (eg, Unverricht-Lundborg disease) gene analysis
  81200 ASPA (eg, Canavan disease) gene analysis
  81201-81203 APC (eg, familial adenomatosis polyposis [FAP], attenuated FAP) gene analysis
  81209 BLM (Bloom syndrome, RecQ helicase-like) (eg, Bloom syndrome) gene analysis, 2281del6ins7 variant
  81220-81223 CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator) gene analysis
  81228-81229 Cytogenomic constitutional (genome-wide) microarray analysis;
  81234 & 81239 DMPK (eg myotonic dystrophy type 1) gene analysis
  81242 FANCC (eg, Fanconi anemia, type C) gene analysis
  81243 FMR1 (eg, fragile X mental retardation) gene analysis;
  81247-81249 G6PD (eg hemolytic anemia, jaundice) gene analysis
  81251 GBA (glucosidase, beta, acid) (eg, Gaucher disease) gene analysis
  81252-81253 GJB2 (gap junction protein, beta 2, 26kDa, connexin 26) (eg, nonsyndromic hearing loss) gene analysis
  81255 HEXA (hexosaminidase A [alpha polypeptide]) (eg, Tay-Sachs disease) gene analysis,
  81259 HBA1/HBA2 (alpha globin 1 and alpha globin 2) (eg, alpha thalassemia, Hb Bart hydrops fetalis syndrome, HbH disease), gene analysis; full gene sequence
  81260 IKBKAP (inhibitor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells, kinase complex-associated protein) (eg, familial dysautonomia) gene analysis, common variants (eg, 2507+6T>C, R696P)
  81271 & 81274 HTT (huntingtin) (eg, Huntington disease) gene analysis
  81284-81286 & 81289 FXN (frataxin) (eg, Friedreich ataxia) gene analysis
  81290 MCOLN1 (mucolipin 1) (eg, Mucolipidosis, type IV) gene analysis, common variants (eg, IVS3-2A>G, del6.4kb)
  81302-81304 MECP2 (methyl CpG binding protein 2) (eg, Rett syndrome) gene analysis
  81312 PABPN1 (poly[A] binding protein nuclear 1) (eg, oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy) gene analysis
  81329, 81336, 81337 SMN1 (survival of motor neuron 1, telomeric) (eg, spinal muscular atrophy) gene analysis;
  81330 SMPD1(sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 1, acid lysosomal) (eg, Niemann-Pick disease, Type A) gene analysis
  81333 TGFBI (transforming growth factor beta-induced) (eg, corneal dystrophy) gene analysis
  81343 PPP2R2B (protein phosphatase 2 regulatory subunit Bbeta) (eg, spinocerebellar ataxia) gene analysis,
  81349 Cytogenomic (genome-wide) analysis for constitutional chromosomal abnormalities; interrogation of genomic regions for copy number and loss-of-heterozygosity variants, low-pass sequencing analysis
  81351-81353 TP53 (tumor protein 53) (eg, Li-Fraumeni syndrome) gene analysis
  81400-81407 Molecular Pathology codes
  81479 Unlisted molecular pathology procedure
  88271-88275 Molecular cytogenetics code range
  88291 Cytogenetics and molecular cytogenetics, interpretation and report
  89290-89291 Biopsy, oocyte polar body or embryo blastomere, microtechnique (for preimplantation genetic diagnosis), less than or equal to, or greater than 5 embryo(s), respectively
    Per ACOG guidance hereditary cancer syndromes (eg, hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, Lynch syndrome) may be included in preimplantation genetic testing. The following codes might be used:
  81162-81167 BRCA1 and BRCA2 Gene Analysis
  81215 BRCA1 gene analysis
  81216-81217 BRCA 2 gene analysis
  81292 MLH1 (mutL homolog 1, colon cancer, nonpolyposis type 2) (eg, hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer, Lynch syndrome) gene analysis;
  81295 MSH2 (mutS homolog 2, colon cancer, nonpolyposis type 1) (eg, hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer, Lynch syndrome) gene analysis; full sequence analysis
  81299 MSH6 (mutS homolog 6 [E. coli]) (eg, hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer, Lynch syndrome) gene analysis; known familial variants
  81317-81323 PMS2 (postmeiotic segregation increased 2 [S. cerevisiae]) (eg, hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer, Lynch syndrome) gene analysis
  0254U Reproductive medicine (preimplantation genetic assessment), analysis of 24 chromosomes using embryonic DNA genomic sequence analysis for aneuploidy, and a mitochondrial DNA score in euploid embryos, results reported as normal (euploidy), monosomy, trisomy, or partial deletion/duplications, mosaicism, and segmental aneuploidy, per embryo tested
  0396U Obstetrics (pre-implantation genetic testing), evaluation of 300000 DNA single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) by microarray, embryonic tissue, algorithm reported as a probability for single-gene germline conditions (eff 07/01/2023) (delete 9/30/24)
  96040 Medical genetics and genetic counseling services, each 30 minutes face-to-face with patient/family (delete 12/31/24)
  96041 Medical genetics and genetic counseling services, each 30 minutes of total time provided by the genetic counselor on the date of the encounter (new 1/1/25)

HCPCS S0265 Genetic counseling, under physician supervision, each 15 minutes

ICD-10-CM Z31.430; Z31.438 Encounter for genetic testing of female for procreative management; code list
  Z31.440; Z31.448 Encounter for genetic testing of male for procreative management; code list
  Z31.49 Encounter for other procreative investigation and testing

Reference to Our Policy Information Guidelines

In some cases involving a single X-linked disorder, determination of the sex of the embryo provides sufficient information for excluding or confirming the disorder.

This policy does not address the myriad of ethical issues associated with preimplantation genetic testing that should be carefully discussed between the treated individual or couple and the physician.

Genetics Nomenclature Update

The Human Genome Variation Society nomenclature is used to report information on variants found in DNA and serves as an international standard in DNA diagnostics. It is being implemented for genetic testing medical evidence review updates starting in 2017 (see Table PG1). The Society's nomenclature is recommended by the Human Variome Project, the Human Genome Organization, and the Human Genome Variation Society itself.

The American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics and the Association for Molecular Pathology standards and guidelines for interpretation of sequence variants represent expert opinion from both organizations, in addition to the College of American Pathologists. These recommendations primarily apply to genetic tests used in clinical laboratories, including genotyping, single genes, panels, exomes, and genomes. Table PG2 shows the recommended standard terminology-"pathogenic," "likely pathogenic," "uncertain significance," "likely benign," and "benign"-to describe variants identified that cause Mendelian disorders.

Table PG1. Nomenclature to Report on Variants Found in DNA
Previous Updated Definition
Mutation Disease-associated variant Disease-associated change in the DNA sequence
  Variant Change in the DNA sequence
  Familial variant Disease-associated variant identified in a proband for use in subsequent targeted genetic testing in first-degree relatives
Table PG2. ACMG-AMP Standards and Guidelines for Variant Classification
Variant Classification Definition
Pathogenic Disease-causing change in the DNA sequence
Likely pathogenic Likely disease-causing change in the DNA sequence
Variant of uncertain significance Change in DNA sequence with uncertain effects on disease
Likely benign Likely benign change in the DNA sequence
Benign Benign change in the DNA sequence

ACMG: American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics; AMP: Association for Molecular Pathology.

Genetic Counseling

Genetic counseling is primarily aimed at individuals who are at risk for inherited disorders, and experts recommend formal genetic counseling in most cases when genetic testing for an inherited condition is considered. The interpretation of the results of genetic tests and the understanding of risk factors can be very difficult and complex. Therefore, genetic counseling will assist individuals in understanding the possible benefits and harms of genetic testing, including the possible impact of the information on the individual's family. Genetic counseling may alter the utilization of genetic testing substantially and may reduce inappropriate testing. Genetic counseling should be performed by an individual with experience and expertise in genetic medicine and genetic testing methods.

Professional Statements and Societal Positions Guidelines


Preimplantation Genetic Testing

Preimplantation genetic testing describes various adjuncts to an assisted reproductive procedure (see evidence review 4.02.04) in which either maternal or embryonic DNA is sampled and genetically analyzed, thus permitting deselection of embryos harboring a genetic defect before implantation of an embryo into the uterus. The ability to identify preimplantation embryos with genetic defects before implantation provides an alternative to amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling, and selective pregnancy termination of affected fetuses. Preimplantation genetic testing is generally categorized as either diagnostic (preimplantation genetic diagnosis) or screening (preimplantation genetic screening). Preimplantation genetic diagnosis is used to detect genetic evidence of a specific inherited disorder, in the oocyte or embryo, derived from mother or couple, respectively, that has a high risk of transmission. Preimplantation genetic screening is not used to detect a specific abnormality but instead uses similar techniques to identify a number of genetic abnormalities in the absence of a known heritable disorder. This terminology, however, is not used consistently (eg, some authors use preimplantation genetic diagnosis when testing for a number of possible abnormalities in the absence of a known disorder), following a terminology change from 'preimplantation genetic screening' to 'preimplantation genetic testing' in 2017.1,


Biopsy for preimplantation genetic diagnosis can take place at 3 stages: the oocyte, cleavage stage embryo, or the blastocyst. In the earliest stage, both the first and second polar bodies are extruded from the oocyte as it completes the meiotic division after ovulation (first polar body) and fertilization (second polar body). This strategy thus focuses on maternal chromosomal abnormalities. If the mother is a known carrier of a genetic defect and genetic analysis of the polar body is normal, then it is assumed that the genetic defect was transferred to the oocyte during meiosis.

Biopsy of cleavage stage embryos or blastocysts can detect genetic abnormalities arising from either the maternal or paternal genetic material. Cleavage stage biopsy takes place after the first few cleavage divisions when the embryo is composed of 6 to 8 cells (ie, blastomeres). Sampling involves aspiration of 1 and sometimes 2 blastomeres from the embryo. Analysis of 2 cells may improve diagnosis but may also affect the implantation of the embryo. In addition, a potential disadvantage of testing at this phase is that mosaicism might be present. Mosaicism refers to genetic differences among the cells of the embryo that could result in an incorrect interpretation if the chromosomes of only a single cell are examined.

The third option is sampling the embryo at the blastocyst stage when there are about 100 cells. Blastocysts form 5 to 6 days after insemination. Three to 10 trophectoderm cells (outer layer of the blastocyst) are sampled. A disadvantage is that not all embryos develop to the blastocyst phase in vitro and, when they do, there is a short time before embryo transfer needs to take place. Blastocyst biopsy has been combined with embryonic vitrification to allow time for test results to be obtained before the embryo is transferred.

Analysis and Testing

The biopsied material can be analyzed in a variety of ways. Polymerase chain reaction or other amplification techniques can be used to amplify the harvested DNA with subsequent analysis for single genetic defects. This technique is most commonly used when the embryo is at risk for a specific genetic disorder such as Tay-Sachs disease or cystic fibrosis. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) is a technique that allows direct visualization of specific (but not all) chromosomes to determine the number or absence of chromosomes. This technique is most commonly used to screen for aneuploidy, sex determination, or to identify chromosomal translocations. Fluorescent in situ hybridization cannot be used to diagnose single genetic defect disorders. However, molecular techniques can be applied with FISH (eg, microdeletions, duplications) and, thus, single-gene defects can be recognized with this technique.

A more recent approach for preimplantation genetic screening is with comprehensive chromosome screening using techniques such as array comparative genome hybridization and next generation sequencing.

Embryo Classification

Three general categories of embryos have undergone preimplantation genetic testing, which is discussed in the following subsections.

Embryos at Risk for a Specific Inherited Single-Gene Defect

Inherited single-gene defects fall into 3 general categories: autosomal recessive, autosomal dominant, and X-linked. When either the mother or father is a known carrier of a genetic defect, embryos can undergo preimplantation genetic diagnosis to deselect embryos harboring the defective gene. Sex selection of a female embryo is another strategy when the mother is a known carrier of an X-linked disorder for which there is no specific molecular diagnosis. The most common example is female carriers of fragile X syndrome. In this scenario, preimplantation genetic diagnosis is used to deselect male embryos, half of which would be affected. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis could also be used to deselect affected male embryos. While there is a growing list of single-gene defects for which molecular diagnosis is possible, the most common indications include cystic fibrosis, β-thalassemia, muscular dystrophy, Huntington disease, hemophilia, and fragile X disease. It should be noted that when preimplantation genetic diagnosis is used to deselect affected embryos, the treated couple is not technically infertile but is undergoing an assisted reproductive procedure for the sole purpose of preimplantation genetic diagnosis. In this setting, preimplantation genetic diagnosis may be considered an alternative to selective termination of an established pregnancy after diagnosis by amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling.

Embryos at a Higher Risk of Translocations

Balanced translocations occur in 0.2% of the neonatal population but at a higher rate in infertile couples or those with recurrent spontaneous abortions. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis can be used to deselect embryos carrying the translocations, thus leading to an increase in fecundity or a decrease in the rate of spontaneous abortion.

Identification of Aneuploid Embryos

Implantation failure of fertilized embryos is common in assisted reproductive procedures; aneuploidy of embryos is thought to contribute to implantation failure and may also be the cause of recurrent spontaneous abortion. The prevalence of aneuploid oocytes increases in older women. These age-related aneuploidies are mainly due to nondisjunction of chromosomes during maternal meiosis. Therefore, preimplantation genetic screening has been explored as a technique to deselect aneuploid oocytes in older women and is also known as preimplantation genetic diagnosis for aneuploidy screening. Analysis of extruded polar bodies from the oocyte or no blastomeres at day 3 of embryo development using FISH was initially used to detect aneuploidy. A limitation of FISH is that analysis is restricted to a number of proteins. More recently, newer preimplantation genetic screening methods have been developed. These methods allow for all chromosomes' analysis with genetic platforms including array comparative genomic hybridization and single nucleotide variant chain reaction analysis. Moreover, in addition to older women, preimplantation genetic screening has been proposed for women with repeated implantation failures.

Regulatory Status

Clinical laboratories may develop and validate tests in-house and market them as a laboratory service; laboratory-developed tests must meet the general regulatory standards of the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments. Laboratories that offer laboratory-developed tests must be licensed by the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments for high-complexity testing. To date, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has chosen not to require any regulatory review of this test.

Place of Service: Inpatient/Outpatient

The policy position applies to all commercial lines of business
